
Android Kotlin & Java Code Script Tutorials

In Android layout files, match_parent and wrap_content are attributes used to define the size of a view or layout.

AsyncTask is a class provided by Android for performing background operations and publishing results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and handlers directly.


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Yes, in HTML5 it has some special tags that we can use some graphical display without require CSS3 coding.

No, when writing HTML tags, we are free to use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters inside the tag.


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CSS means Cascading Style Sheet, a Look and Feel formatting scripts used along with HTML Tags.

We donot start a CLASS or an ID name with a number.


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Varibale names must start with the underscore (_) or a letter of alphabet. This Varibale names may contain numbers.

To store a cookie on a web browser, I will use the setcookie() function.


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The CONCAT() Concatenates two string values to create a single string output.


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. It is an internet Standard that extends the format of e-mail to support.

Web hosting is where the files are hosted. A website cannot exist without a web host.